As part of the restructuring of MINC recently announced by the new MINC Chairman, the MINC Secretariat has launched a new look website with an upgraded MINC Logo. The MINC Mailing List system has also been upgraded to serve the new restructured MINC better.

“I have directed the MINC Secretariat to carry out all the necessary upgrades,” said MINC Chairman Khaled Fattal. “We want to project an even more professional image as we move into the next phase of MINC. This change of webpage layout and design will signify the start of this change.”

More upgrades and changes will be in progress. As with all changes, MINC Secretariat apologises for any inconvenience during this changeover period until the systems recently implemented stabilises.

Members of MINC will be notified of the technical details of the changes in due course.

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