The Arabic language currently is one of the few languages that could be used for registering domain names, together with other international languages and in fact consumers can now resolve & browse URLs in Arabic in most of the Middle East.
Many representatives of Arab government ministries, governmental and non-governmental international bodies and diverse business interests will be represented and engaged in dialogue on the many interesting issues which the Arabization of the Internet raises, as well as other ICANN & ccTLD matters. Your participation in this event will help to insure a full and active discussion of all relevant issues, and that all points of view of the Arab business community are taken into consideration.
“It is indeed a great honor to have The Tunisian Internet Agency; an Arab leader of the knowledge revolution; patronize this historic event. TUNISIA is honored to host the fourth founders meeting of the Arabic Internet Names Consortium (AINC) & the second Arab ccTLD meeting“
Dr. Hosni Tayeb, Alfoursan International, Tunis, Tunisia
Arab League & UN AINC Committee, Chairman