In proceeding

In proceeding with the Interoperability Testing, MINC shall shortly be announcing a call for setting up an Interoperability TestBed, and a subsequent call for participation. The testing is expected to be multi-faceted, including testing for registries, registrars, user applications and will involve enduser testing as well, each progressively released subject to stakeholder feedback and MINC processes.

In proceeding with this, the new Chairman of MINC, Khaled Fattal, said, “The whole IDN community has long awaited this IDN Interoperability Testing. It will provide a level playing field for all vendors and providers to ensure that in their implementation of the IETF standards, that their solutions do not break or balkanise the Internet.”

“As a founding organisation to pioneer the call for IDNs, MINC has come a long way. To me, it is gratifying to see that finally, IDNs are recognised officially, from APTLD to ITU, from IETF to ICANN,” said the original implementor and early champion of IDNs, Tan Tin Wee, a professor from the National University of Singapore. “These days, everyone seems to be organising their IDN committees and working groups – it’s about time,” he added.

Newly inducted Board Member, Mr Charles Lee declared, “MINC is now taking on an industry-led mantle. Going forward, we shall focus on SERVICE to the community, ENGAGEMENT of key issues, and COOPERATION with all stakeholders and entities dedicated to the promotion, deployment, coordination and governance of IDNs.”

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